Friday, July 24, 2009

BANGKOK has gone Liverpool crazy.


Real Madrid can buy every player, but not Liverpool! Alonso don't move? Thai English! LOL

It was supposed to be a low-key arrival into Bangkok's old airport when the Reds touched down earlier today, but that didn't stop hundreds of fanatical Reds from clinging onto all possible vantage points to watch their heroes emerge from their chartered plane. Fortunately most of the players had slept during the overnight flight so were able to smile for the cameras.

Scarves were lofted proudly in the air and eyes filled up as the Thais sang a rendition of our famous anthem.

Liverpool have loved Thailand this week and Thailand have certainly loved Liverpool.

"Please come back soon," said one flag on the route out of the stadium as the official coaches snaked away back to the team hotel.

And so as Liverpool wave goodbye to Bangkok, Rafa's reds will now be looking to make even more dreams come true over the rest of the week when they say hello to their equally fanatical fans in Singapore.