Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Jon!

Happy Birthday Baby Jon! Well, I had a headache on Saturday because I was invited to 3 different parties that fell on the same time, one in Bagan Jermal, one is Bayan Baru and another in Datuk Keramat. In the end I ended up in Baby Jon's party in Lil Cottage. It was fun, with many old mates there, and our Arsenal fan friend Tits came back all the way from KL. After the party, we headed down to Mois for awhile till past midnight. I knew Baby Jon when I was F3 as we were in the same class, although he was shorter than me but he sat behind me. Haha. Anyway Happy Birthday Baby! yo yo yo!

the cake
his car
earnest, baby jon, abang ewens, sister irenes

tits, his sister and also baby jon's gf, baby, khoo couple and I

the Tye family
the in-law family

the birthday boy and gf
the gang
the khoo couple

the guys
us, with Pia...