Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oktoberfest 2009

Oktoberfest is a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany during late September and running to early October. It is also one of the most famous events in Germany and also world’s largest fair, approximately 6 million people attending every year, and is also an important part of Bavarian culture.

Here in Penang, Malaysian German Society also organized their Oktoberfest for the 37th time. More than 1200 visitors came to this festival last year making Oktoberfest Penang the biggest Oktoberfest in Malaysia! As a student and member of the MGS ( Malaysian German Society ), I was fortunate to be part of this event this year as a volunteer helping. I was given the task to sell Würstel (sausages) and fruit punch with Michael, Thomas, Preston, Ken Joo, Chooi San and Eddy, but most of my time spend was cutting the bread! LOL!

Original hearty German food such as Hendl ( chicken), Würstel, along with brezel (Prezel), Knödeln ( potato or bread dumplings ) and lots lots more were provided! There was also Lebkuchenherzen / Gingerbread Hearts (an Oktoberfest treat ) as well. This sweet is a MUST in any German fair and is also in Penang.

As usual there were big tents to host the crowd with German music and also lots of entertainment just like being practiced in Munich. There was the beer drinking competition for Men and Ladies, arm wrestling competition, beer mug carrying competition and etc. Once in awhile music will be played and people will carry their mugs in their hands and cheer together as a whole, making the atmosphere even better. There were also game stalls set up by B.Braun and Robert Bosch for entertainment too. As a volunteer, what I get was free food, free Oktoberfest Tee and also free drinks! Why free? Cause the stall beside me was selling red and white wine while the stall after the wine stall is the main supplier stall for Tiger beer! LOL! In the end, what happened to the stall after 11pm was, one went up the stage dancing, one dancing below the stage, one was carried out to her dad’s car cause she was drunk, two taking their beer mug around asking people to drink, one smoking his cigar asking people to drink fruit punch and another sitting down drinking and gossiping!

Great night, beautiful girls, delicious food, free flow of drinks (for volunteers only hehe) and great people!

“ Ein Prosit der Gemuetlichkeit ”
our emcee of the night
MGS president Karl Ebinger
beer drinking competition of man
here comes the ladies turn
arm wrestling competition, the one in Manchester United jersey lost! Glory Glory wert?
the beer mug carrying competition
paulaner is always a must!

lai arrgghhhhhh
dance floor
the place
beer mug spectacles
sudah mabuk sikit ni ang mo
cute German kids
dancing around
dancing around with Oktoberfest 'beer-mug hats'
hired dancers