Friday, March 6, 2009

My class ended at 3, and I went over to Eugene’s house to fetch him to buy stuff for tommorow’s trip to Kerachut. We went to Tesco, and after finish shopping I fetched him back home and I went back home to quickly bathe and changed. I went over to Ewen’s house and we went to fetch Chia Huey together with sister Reney for her actual birth-day celebration. We went over to Fettes Park to eat western food, and after we finished only Bong and Tze Wei arrived. Ewen and I excuse ourselves and went back to Tanjung Court cause beautiful Kai Xin was having a celebration. She cooked laksa, Mindy cooked mushroom soup whereas Shirly Chong Shu Yi cooked pasta! Sy Jays, Eugene and Meow were already there at that time. I went back a lil earlier than yesterdaynight to pack for tomorrow’s trip. Tired, rushing, but happy cause everyone’s happy, smiling and enjoying.

(Ewen and i didnt appear in any pictures cause we went there late and went off early)

from left : Mindy, Lionhead, Mikyo's bf, Mikyo, Rv, Shu Yi
Shu Yi's pasta

Xiao Yang

Jays Xiao Yang sharing his kampung experience


Earnest said...

why?? why wanna kill me? sobs..
i did nothing wrong and you wanna kill me..